“Striving for One Health in action in The Gambia” is a University of Liverpool research project led by Professor Eric Fèvre and Dr. Tessa Cornell, and funded by Research England Policy Support Fund 2023-24. In collaboration with the Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Ministry of Agriculture, this project will explore One Health awareness, interpretation and prioritisation among stakeholders in The Gambia.
Participatory Research
Engaging key One Health stakeholders across government, academia and civil society, through interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs)
Policy Development
Bridging the research-policy gap via a stakeholder meeting and a policy briefing document, to inform national One Health frameworks
Community and Student Engagement
To capture community-level perspectives and awareness of One Health, and inform the development of context-specific educational materials
This project will highlight the gaps on One Health in The Gambia. It will help in establishing a network of different One Health stakeholders and a national strategic plan. There is nothing cooler than knowing that you are contributing to the discovery or development of something that can contribute to optimising the health of the people, animals and the environment.
This project aims to provide novel and actionable evidence of gaps relating to One Health in action in The Gambia, to strengthen national One Health capacity. Study outcomes will inform future focussed context-specific and community-driven research proposals that embrace a One Health approach. These project activities will align with the Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action.