“Striving for One Health in action in The Gambia” extends beyond research. We are committed to developing a comprehensive understanding of One Health awareness amongst stakeholders across government, academia and civil society in The Gambia.
Exploring One Health awareness at the community level in Upper River Region
This project aims to capture priority areas amongst One Health beneficiaries at the community level to inform future research directions.
Cross-sectoral student engagement provides an energetic start to data collection activities
The research team successfully initiated data collection activities last week with the engagement of student groups in focus group discussions (FGDs). Students represented the Gambia College’s School of Agriculture and School of Public Health, and the University of The Gambia’s School of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences and School of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences.
Testimonial by the Project Research Assistant, Edrisa Nyassi
I first heard about One Health five years ago when I joined a University of Liverpool research project as a Research Associate, looking at risk factors for histoplasmosis in horses and donkeys. At that time, I perceived One Health to be an approach that aims to optimise human and animal health.
Testimonial from the project co-investigator, Tessa Cornell
My interest in the One Health approach began during student research projects at vet school that explored the epidemiology of infectious disease at human-animal-environment interfaces. These activities informed my decision to take an intercalated BSc in Infectious Diseases in 2014. As the only vet enrolled on the course that year, I realised that the links between human and animal health were under-recognised. Medical students asked me why the course was relevant to a vet student, which highlighted the siloed nature of scientific disciplines at that time.
Introducing Our One Health Journey in The Gambia
Welcome to the online platform for “Striving for One Health in Action in The Gambia” – a research initiative led by Professor Eric Fèvre and Dr. Tessa Cornell, in collaboration with the Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Ministry of Agriculture, The Gambia.
This project has been designed in response to a direct need in The Gambia – to move One Health discussions in the direction of actionable policy recommendations and integration of transdisciplinary approaches in practice.